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Showing posts from October, 2017

Open your arms and approach with Love

Draw close to God and He will draw closer to you. When we approach a stranger do not have bitterness in your heart. They are your friend and we should greet them with Love. When we start off in friendship we end up in friendship and it works. Harbour no doubt, hatred or rumour in your heart. When we seek God with a sincere, contrite and faithful hope, He will answer in kind. With everlasting friendship and Love. God seeks us every morning with a blindingly beautiful light. The Sun. He approaches us even before we have woken to Him. Seek out the light in your life. The Love of your life. And you will find Him. Amen.

a raison induviduel: for the fallen

No-one may judge another on Earth. The realm we live in on Earth is not the Garden of Eden, it is a fallen world. A fallen world we are born in to, in a fallen cast of a fallen ancestry. From this beginning we can only go wrong. Until we die of the unclean clay body and are reborn of the spirit. Through our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who comes to seek the needy, the fallen and the "down and out". To save with gentle hands the precious children of God. We are all the Children of God, just as in the story of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11. Amen.

Vengence is mine says the Lord

The bible, when we read it with open mind and believing heart is full of lessons about any number of topics. Vengence is mine says the Lord; taken mathematically this statement can be said to point to the generalisation that: P1            V is mine says L P2            L is right, always Therefor  V belongs to L always Therefor  V should never be taken by not-L Therefor  when not-L takes V it is wrong Therefor  when not-L does vengence it is wrong P1            Vengence often hurts people P2            When not-L does V it is wrong C              Hurting people is wrong C2            When not-L does vengence it often hurts people C3          ...