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Showing posts from January, 2020

A brief review of the Books : " All about baby " and " Baby " by Desmond Morris

I agree with and abide by the first edition of the book " All about baby " , a soft cover small format book with no pictures , by Desmond Morris , 1978 . In this book he recommends not washing the Vernix Caseola or Vernix Vitellium  from the skin of a new born . His rationale was that this greasy covering protected the new born from infections . However there is another function of this grease which he did not consider and that is it protects the sensitive skin from abrasion and pain ( over - stimulation ) . In the later editions which are titled " Baby " he advises to wash the Vernix Vitellium off because the modern day drugs can treat infection . This is bad medicine . I do not abide by or recommend these editions .

Discovery : A new type of sexual fetish which is also not dirty

I have discovered a sexual fetish which actually was for my whole life my main sexual proclivity : Fear of the opposite sex sex with the image of the opposite sex in my mind . The fear and idolization of the opposite sex is what makes having sex with them so Heavenly hot as hell . ( IF there is such as place ? ) , my theory is that there is not . Any way that is what gets me up , at night and in the mornings . Enjoy .